Wednesday, March 3, 2010


These two have been having a lot of fun together. Emily is very protective of his new brother. When she wakes up, she asked, "Where is Nathan mommy? or did Nathan want to eat a cookie? such a sweet big sister. This afternoon, while getting lunch together (room service of quick ramen :), he shared his potato chips with all of us. He was feeding me, dada and DS. He loves to share his food with us. Oh, and he also loves his pa-pa (daddy) very much. He woke up from nap and just stared giving him kisses. It made his day!

When he doesn't get his way, he does get upset and distracting or removing him from the situation helps a lot. He just cries for a few minutes then he forgets about it. He is polite and always wipes his mouth or hands after eating. Although not always on a napkin but "boy" style, meaning on his sleeve. LOL!

He has come a long way since the first night. He did get very upset when we removed his shoes and did not wanted the ones I bought him. However, they fit better and have arch support which helps him walk better, more steadily and more comfortable. He loves his socks on all the time and long sleeves too. Now it's almost bed time and they are enjoying a movie together. Life is good!



Jill said...

God bless you all!! We have been praying for an easy transition for Nathan. And peace for all of you! Tonight is the first I have been online for many days and am so happy to see you guys! Congratulations!!

Kristi said...

I'm glad to read that he responds well to distraction or being removed from a situation.
And I'm laughing about the boy style of wiping his mouth. Packing for a trip took on a whole new meaning for our family when Caleb joined us!
Glad to read that Emily's sister instincts are kicking in.