Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Shaiman Island Part 2

Part 2 because yahoo it's not letting me send large posts.

We also visited Old town/New town and got my favorite snack: beef, pork and chicken

jerky. Delicious! Also end up buying 2 sets of the famous Pheasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, a very popular chinese cartoon character. So far, it played on my computer but not the DVD. Although it says its for DVD. I will need to figure that out later. The kids watched it 2 times already, in the same day already. It's in mandarin and Emily was so into it too. Nathan loves it and sings along with the character. We ended the day with diner at the 1001 nights arabic restaurant with our new friends Teresa and Curtis from IN. Their little girl Gabriella who is 2 1/2.

Then it was time for the famous pictures on the red couch at the White Swan. Of course, the emperor did not wanted out of his trone (the stroller) and I bribed him with potato chips. Yes, that's me! It worked long enough for a few pictures. Unless Emily that wanted me to take her picture on every corner of the hotel. We applied for Nathan's visa and tomorrow will be taking the oath at the US consulate. So far, it was a very good day!


Kristi said...

Potato chips, starbursts, m & m's...in my mind you do what it takes to get the picture!

Jill said...

Mike and I will never forget that jerky that you picked out for us at Li Wan Plaza. We talk about it every time we eat some kind of jerky here. We'll never get any as good as that...unless of course we go back to China!